Monday, June 23, 2008

Shit, Piss, Fuck, and other words...

My heroes are dropping like flies, these days. Doc Hunter a coupla' years ago, and now this morning, I hear that George Carlin has died. Not expired, not "passed on", not anti-livable, but died. Stone cold. Dead as a doorknocker. Motherfucking tits up, to use two of his words in a sentence.

The world is now a much less happier place.

For those who never heard George Carlin you missed an incredible comedy act. His ability to pull humor out of the most mundane, everyday observations influenced a huge sector of comedy stars from Steven Wright to Ben Stiller.

He will be best known as a legal footnote for his 7 words you cannot say on teevee or radio (wiki entry here), but I much prefer his observations and put-downs of religion, which, in my opinion, equal those of Mark Twain, another great satirist of religion.

What a way start a Monday morning. Fuck.


Justin said...

R.I.P George Carlin

The man was a genius and harbored no delusions. My favorite was the "they own us...they own EVERYTHING...and nothings gonna change!" skit where he used comedy to lay out the hierarchic socio-economic structure in America.

He will be missed

pygalgia said...

I'm so old, I remember when Carlin had short hair and a skinny tie. His subversive humor will be missed