My raft, ready to launch.
There's a better word for what I am: an apatheist. It's a neologism that fuses "apathy" and "theism." It means someone who has absolutely no interest in the question of a god's (or gods') existence, and is just as uninterested in telling anyone else what to believe.
(CNN) -- In 1997, during my second term as governor of Arizona, I saw something that defied logic and challenged my reality.
I witnessed a massive delta-shaped, craft silently navigate over Squaw Peak, a mountain range in Phoenix, Arizona. It was truly breathtaking. I was absolutely stunned because I was turning to the west looking for the distant Phoenix Lights.
To my astonishment this apparition appeared; this dramatically large, very distinctive leading edge with some enormous lights was traveling through the Arizona sky.
As a pilot and a former Air Force Officer, I can definitively say that this
craft did not resemble any man-made object I'd ever seen.http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/11/09/simington.ufocommentary/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
Given that anything Symington says is patently untrue, there must not be any UFO's (I'm sorry, Mr. Kucinich, but Mr. Symington's dishonesty outweighs your honesty by several magnitudes).
A worldwide shortage of hops — a key beer-making ingredient — could have a big effect on the taste of specialty brews and force smaller microbreweries to hike the price of their products.The shortage can be blamed on a perfect storm of events — bad weather in hop-growing areas of the United States, Europe and Australia and a depressed U.S. dollar.
Brian Titus, president of Halifax's Garrison Brewing Company, said his brewmaster isn't sure he'll be able to make some of his beers in the new year because he hasn't been able to find some varieties of hops at all.
"It's bordering on disastrous actually. If you don't have hops then you don't have beer," said Titus.
The shortage has some breweries rethinking their brews and possibly changing beer recipes to cut down on the use of hops.
"So maybe you find something that smells similar but doesn't have the same taste profile and it doesn't have the same bitterness," said Titus.
Industry analysts speculate the shortage could force smaller breweries to hike the price of some beers by as much as 10 per cent.
Larger breweries are less likely to have to raise prices because they buy in bulk with long-term contracts.
Craft brewers don't have the means to hedge against rising prices, like their industrial rivals.
Added: Here are some links to the oil/dollar issue:
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- For the first time Tuesday, baseball general managers recommended instant replay be used to help umpires make difficult decisions.
The recommendation, by a 25-5 vote, was limited to boundary calls -- whether potential home runs are fair or foul, whether balls go over fences or hit the top and bounce back, and whether fans interfere with possible homers.
I have been trying to write a "smart" post on Pakistan, but it keeps falling apart. Basically, "what a fucking mess" is not a profound insight. The best insight I've come to is the old axiom "there are no national allies, only national interests".
General Musharraf is engaging in a power consolidation. He's suspended the courts, arrested the opposition, and is now dealing with rioting lawyers. It has nothing to do with terrorism, as Musharraf has basically taken the appeasement route with the islamist factions, ceding a fair amount of autonomy to the tribal regions in the northeast.
Shrub and Condi are calling for a return to "democracy" and elections. But you can tell that they really don't want it. Musharraf has been our guy, and they don't want to risk the possibility that Pakistan would end up with a leader less friendly to America.
And there are the nukes.
For real analysis, I suggest Barnett Rubin at Informed Comment: Global Affairs
Added: Shrub adds his own brand of ... well...whatever he adds:
on Secretary Rice's recent phone call with President Musharraf. I asked the Secretary to call him to convey this message: that we expect there to be elections as soon as possible, and that the President should remove his military uniform.
So he told Condi to tell Musharraf to "get naked"? That's just weird.
(sorry. the writers guild is on strike.)
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