Saturday, June 5, 2010
Saturday Diversions

Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Blown Call

Baseball makes the headline news because of a bad call. Major League Baseball is considering reversing the call in Armando Galarraga’s perfect game that wasn’t, and Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm plans a resolution to declare Armando Galarraga pitched a perfect game Wednesday night (not quite sure how a state proclamation goes in the record books), and at least two members of congress are calling for hearings.
The best part of the story has been Gallarraga's remarkable class and grace under pressure. The man has shown amazing class, saying of the umpire "We’re human, we go make a mistake, nobody is perfect. In that situation everybody is focused to do their best thing." That's a pretty amazing statement, considering he was robbed of a spot in baseball history. He brought the 'lineup card' out to Joyce for today's game, and they shared a hug.
Related stories:
Armando Galarraga receives a Corvette consolation prize
[overthemonster.com] Joyce's Call Creates Not-So-Perfect Storm of MLB Controversy
[nymag.com] How a Botched Perfect-Game Call Brought Out the Best in Everybody (Except Us)
A few more thoughts on Armando Galarraga and Jim Joyce
Update: Selig says he won't reverse the call. Bud Selig to Examine Umpiring, Replay; Jim Joyce Call Will Not Be Changed.
Another Reason
"Network" updates from shrub? No thanks. I really don't need more aggravation.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I Need Happier News

I don't want to blog about the death of the gulf. The latest Israeli assault on middle east peace puts me in a malaise. At least North and South Korea have backed away from blowing up their part of the world for now, but that doesn't exactly fill me with optimism. Hell, now Al and Tipper are separating.
I need some happier news. "Lemming" blogging just leaves me depressed.