Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Out Of Touch

I've been out of touch recently. I'm temporarily staying in a household with no TV or internet, and working as much as I can to make enough cash to move into a place of my own. I've heared that being away from TV/internet is healthy and cathartic, but I'm finding the experience to be more a source of frustration and discomfort. I want to obsess about obscure political details, damn it! I'm a political junkie, and I'm stuck going through withdrawal in the middle of a presidential campaign season.
Thanks to Gandhisxmas for his recent rants, and Sweaterman for his return. If it weren't for you guys, people might think this blog was dead. Our readership may be small, but I think of you all as friends and I feel badly about offering so little as of late. Even the Boobies have been inconsistent, and that's just not right. Anyway, I thank you for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

I've missed you! I'll channel the political angst your way, okay? You do read minds, right?

(I hope you're doing well.)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is helpful to be silent for awhile, and simply meditate on life. Be well, pygalgia.

Demeur said...

Yep things are bad there's a boobie and beaver shortage out there ya know.

Miss your snarky self, hang in there dude things will get worse.

Update: in case you didn't know the stock market crashed.