Join us for a rally and press conference to
"Restore Transplant Funding"
February 28, 2011 at 11:30am
Arizona State Capitol grounds
sponsored by Democracy for America.
DFA-MaricopaCounty :: Rally to Restore Transplant Funding 2/28
Arizona has some seriously screwed up budget priorities. I've said before that we really need some Wisconsin style democracy here. Examples:
Now, however, Governor Jan Brewer is proposing to kick some 280,000 Arizonans off the state’s Medicaid rolls. Brewer claims such a move is the only way to get the state’s fiscal house in order, as it would save $541.5 million in general funding spending. Brewer also wants to save $79.8 million by dropping 5,200 “seriously mentally ill” people from the state’s Medicaid program. Instead of balancing out these draconian cuts with additional revenue increases or simply not making the cuts in the first place, Brewer instead signed $538 million in corporate tax cuts into law two weeks ago.
(BTW, that article covers several other states as well)
But the legislature is addressing one vital issue. SB1610, which addresses the vital issue of "What is the official firearm of Arizona?"After the bill's enactment, the official firearm of Arizona will be the Colt Single Action Army Revolver.
Whew! Now we can all rest easy tonight.

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