I love seafood. It's literally my favorite food group. So the past year has been really depressing. First the
BP oil spill contaminates the gulf, which will impact the food chain for decades. Then we get the radioactive water from Japan's reactor disaster spilling into the Pacific. I'm not an alarmist by nature, but the long term impacts of these two events will be huge. Despite the authorities 'reassurances' that the oil spill 'wasn't that bad' and that the
radioactive water will 'disperse', anyone who understands pollution of an ecosystem knows that the total effects from these spills will take years to spread through the food chain. The bottom feeders will be the first contaminated; shellfish and halibut for example. The pollutants will then be spread to larger predator fish like tuna, snapper, and the like. Given that stocks of the 'food' fish were already in decline, safe seafood is well on it's way to scarcity and the price will soar into luxury status. Which
really pisses me off. I'm not going to panic yet, but the thought of a future without eating scallops or sushi is depressing.
1 comment:
We'll need a Geiger counter to take to the supermarket... and a blood test for chemicals from the Gulf after we eat...
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