Revised Expedition Series! The classic Grand Canyon raft in an 18' self-bailer.
Item# 1098 $5,870.00
Item# 1098 $5,870.00
Just kidding. (unless you are George Soros).
There's a better word for what I am: an apatheist. It's a neologism that fuses "apathy" and "theism." It means someone who has absolutely no interest in the question of a god's (or gods') existence, and is just as uninterested in telling anyone else what to believe.
My blog is worth $30,485.16.
How much is your blog worth?
I'll be more than happy to flip for your new boat as soon as I've made my second million. I've given up trying to make my first million:)
I'd have done it, but, you see... I just spent my last $5,870 dollars on Closing Costs on a house.
Believe me... It was a VERY tough choice, as I'd like to have had dibs on some badass river-rides with you, without having to bail...
Self-bailing? Does it come with an illegal worker? (oh-- you KNOW I'm just joking, folks.) Seriously, how does that self-bailing work?
Running my old bucket keeps my passengers involved. I say "bail" and they either grab a bucket or jump.
Self-Bailer's work by having an inflated floor, with drainage below.
Ooh, ooh. If you find a really rich patron, I'm thinking it would be nice to have a cruise ship...
Cannacruise... Get on the boat.
OK, I'd do the cruise.
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