"Yes, Virginia, there WAS a Santa Claus"
Well, whether I want it or not, I'm getting a white Christmas. We've received a fair amount of snow (around 3 feet) over the past week, but tomorrow we're supposed to get the heaviest yet. The forecast is calling for "blizzard conditions" for most of the day. Luckily, I don't have to go anywhere. While a friend is hosting a Christmas potluck dinner that would be fun to join in on, if the weather is as bad as predicted I'll stay home. Even the best of the seasons good cheer doesn't serve well when frozen.
Actually, I haven't got much Christmas spirit this year. Not having any family nearby, and being extremely broke, I'm grateful for the friends around me. But that's true year round, not just seasonally. I'm wishing all good cheer to all, all year long.
So I hereby wish you all a happy, warm holiday.
That pretty much sums up my Christmas. And I must say that's my second favorite santa photo. Isn't that that Palin dude holding the rifle?
Peace Py
Best wishes to you Pygalgia! Keep warm and be safe!
74F right now outside. But 100% humidity. Gah. Like a swamp!
-Badtux the Overheated Penguin
Pygalgia, hope you had a wonderful Christmas, however you were able to spend it! And I hope you can get out from under all that snow!
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