"It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person's political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat-imposed health care rationing system. Does this possibility concern you?"
This is why I wouldn't be allowed to serve on any "death panel". My first question would be "are you stupid?" If the answer was "yes", I'd probably let you die. And if you believe this kind of crap, you are stupid. Ergo...

They just can't leave it alone, can they?
As far as I know, you volunteer your party affiliation when you register to vote...and that's the only thing it's used for. The only group that have been using the way a person identifies themselves against them are crazy rightwingers against "liberals"
Dammit. You've got me at a point where I could write an entire post, it's 2 am, I really shouldn't, but I probably will.
Yay, sleep deprivation and rage.
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