Satire is dead.
Faced with the disastrous gulf oil spill, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R, obviously) has a plan to bring more tourists to the gulf coast by offering people gas cards:
Gov. Haley Barbour said that the Mississippi Gulf Coast is open for business, despite the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
In an effort to encourage tourism, Mississippi Gulf Coast officials are offering $75 gas cards for those who book a two-night stay at one of the participating hotels or resorts listed online at www.gulfcoast.org. Resident can also sign up online for a chance to win one of four getaway packages.
Yeah, we'll pay for the gas to show you the cost of gas guzzling. Feel free to enjoy a day of tar ball collecting on the beach. At least the war on the environment is going well.
Just don't forget to bring your tyvec suit and absorbent pads.
All the more reason to stay home and tend my garden. Voltaire gets smarter every time I think about having to deal with idiots. When I first read CANDIDE, I thought it was an anticlimactic ending, but the more I live, the more I realize it was advice to pick your battles. Barbour finds his way of being quite profitable, so there is no need to spend time trying to dissuade him from doltishness when greed is his real motive. But there will come times when we can deal effective blows to the oil industry's criminals. However, I expect that time to arrive just after we deal with the Wall Street banksters, so I shall have plenty of time to tend my garden.
Bill while you were busy reading Candide these guys were busy reading the Prince. Does that explain the situation?
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