The new Ryan budget is a remarkable document -- one that, for most of the past half-century, would have been outside the bounds of mainstream discussion due to its extreme nature. In essence, this budget is Robin Hood in reverse -- on steroids. It would likely produce the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern U.S. history and likely increase poverty and inequality more than any other budget in recent times (and possibly in the nation's history).
Every single one of the worst ideas the GOP has ever had are all in the package. Give tax breaks to the richest Americans, while raising taxes on the poor and middle class. Obviously, cuts vital programs while expanding military spending. Privatize Medicare, dismantle Medicaid, virtually eliminate food stamps, and defund every other domestic government program. Heck, it even has a feature to sell off millions of acres of public lands. And, of course, the plan will actually increase the debt.
The Ryan plan isn't going to pass. It's DOA in the senate, so Sober Panda Time won't need to ink up the veto pen. But that doesn't mean that it isn't important. In case you hadn't noticed, this is an election year, and the republicans intend to use the Ryan plan as a campaign focal point. They really believe that they can sell this gilded turd to the voting public. That's the part I just don't get: you're running a campaign that has already attacked people of color, women, anyone who enjoys sex, and educated people, and now your attacking anyone who isn't rich? How do you sell that to voters? "Death to the Poor" isn't a campaign slogan that I thought would ever be a winner. But that is literally what the republicans are running with.
As Jesus once said, "For ye have the poor always with you, especially when Republicans are in power."
Absolutely right. It's all part of the Republican plan to depopulate the planet in order to save capitalism and meet our carbon emissions goals.
Quite simple really, crap on the poor and prevent them from voting.
Hey where's the Friday boobies?
The number of low-information voters who will be entranced by just one item off this list as a way to prevent spending tax dollars on people they don't like is the key to the R's strategy, I think. The resentful will focus on the one group that gets cut by Ryan's plan, which will become their single issue. Looking at the bigger pciture just does not happen with the mentally lazy or the angry. That is their demographic!
Hadn't stopped by for a month or more, but glad to see you have some summer coming. Here in NC we had only 5 or 6 really cold days this winter, and the last few weeks have been amazing. 80 degrees this week and last, and apple trees blooming, pears, forests leafing out, and of course, ALLERGIES OMG!!!
Happy sneezing!
It's amazing, isn't it? The entire Republican platform could be summarized by the sentiment of elevating the wealth of the superrich and crapping on the poor.
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