Sunday, March 11, 2007


Ambrose Bierce, a great writer of the late 19th century, was fond of defining obscure terms with a slant quite cynical, saturnine, and hilarious. Here is one he penned I'de like to share-
"FRANKALMOIGNE :n The tenure by which a religious corporation holds lands on condition of praying for the soul of the donor. In mediaeval times, many of the wealthiest fraternities obtained their estates in this simple and cheap manner, and once, when HenryVIII of England sent an officer to confiscate various vast possessions which a fraternity of monks held by frankalmoigne, "What!" said the Prior, "Would your master stay our benefactor's soul in Purgatory?" "Ay" said the officer, coldly, "an ye will not pray him thence for naught he must e'en roast." "But look you my son," persisted the good man, "This act hath rank as robbery of God!" "Nay, nay, good father, my master the King doth but deliver him from the manifold temptations of too great wealth.""

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