Thursday, May 10, 2007

Go Cheney yourself

Cheney tells Maliki "it's game time", like a playoff or something. Great wisdom there. So the previous 4+ years were an exhibition game?
Now here's a delightful little rumor:

May 10, 2007 -- WMR has received a third well-placed confirmation that
Vice President Dick Cheney, while CEO of Halliburton, was a client of the escort service of DC Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey. In addition, one of Cheney's closest military advisers and friends was also a client of the DC Madam's Pamela Martin & Associates escort service. Cheney used the escort service while he was a part time resident of the posh Ballantrae section of McLean, Virginia.

After intense pressure from the White House and Disney executives, ABC News killed the DC Madam client story after having been given exclusive access to Palfrey's ten years' of phone call records.


I doubt that he'll face impeachment. After telling a senator to "go fuck yourself" and shooting an old man in the face (and getting the victim to apologize), we can assume that he'll get away with a little prostitution hiring.

added: according to Al-Hayat, a lebanese news service, there was a LOT more serious shelling during Cheney's visit than the American press reported.

استقبلته تظاهرات وقذائف على المنطقة الخضراء... وتفجير شاحنة أمام «وزارة
الداخلية» الكردية في أربيل ... تشيني يحض المالكي على مصالحة البعثيين وواشنطن
تؤكد التمييز بين دمشق وطهران

واشنطن , بغداد - جوي
كرم الحياة

تراهن الادارة الاميركية على المصالحة بين البعثيين وحكومة نوري المالكي، أي على
«المتمردين» السنة، مفرقة بينهم وبين «الارهابيين الأجانب» وتنظيم «القاعدة».
وانطلاقاً من هذا الفهم لخريطة القوى السياسية العراقية بدأ نائب الرئيس الأميركي
ديك تشيني زيارته لبغداد، حيث استقبل بتظاهرات مضادة
نظمها أنصار الزعيم الشيعي
مقتدى الصدر، وبسيل من القذائف انهمرت على المنطقة الخضراء، حين كان مجتمعاً مع
المالكي الذي استقبله بإعلان تعديل وزاري

Basically, the report claims that the mortar barrage lasted more than an hour, with about 40 blasts in or near the green zone. I don't know if it's true, but since this is a rumor based post I'll pass it on.

(dang, blogger doesn't like arabic)

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