Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Iraq by the numbers

Found this article breaking down the Iraq debacle by the numbers. Not a pretty picture:
Approximate number of U.S. troops currently in Iraq: 145,000

Percent of coalition forces contributed by the U.S.: 92

Number of troops the British government will withdraw from Iraq in the
coming months: 1,600

Number of additional U.S. troops to be sent to Iraq, according to the President’s surge plan: 28,700

Number of additional U.S. troops to be sent to Iraq, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) analysis of the President’s surge plan: Up to 48,000

Estimated cost of troop surge plan according to the Bush Administration: $5.6 billion

Estimated cost of troop surge plan according to CBO’s analysis:
Up to $27 billion

Approximate amount appropriated by Congress for Iraq operations so far: >$450 billion

Estimated total cost of operations in Iraq by war’s end: $549 billion - $2.26 trillion

Approximate amount spent by the U.S. in World War I (in inflation-adjusted dollars): $205 billion

Approximate amount the U.S. is spending in Iraq per month (including operationaland investment costs): $8.6 billion

Approximate amount the U.S. spent in Iraq per month in Fiscal Year 2003 (including operational and investment costs): $4.4 billion

Number of U.S. service members killed in Iraq: 3,260

Number reported wounded by the Defense Department: 24,476

Number of National Guard soldiers killed in Iraq through February 3, 2007: 415

Number of National Guard soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War: 97

Number of Iraqi military and police killed since training began in June 2003: 6,401

Number of journalists killed in Iraq: 95

Number of journalists killed in Vietnam: 63

Estimated number of insurgents in Iraq (November 2003): 5,000

Estimated strength of Sunni insurgency (including non-operational supporters): 70,000

Estimated number of foreign fighters in Iraq in May 2003: 100

Estimated number of foreign fighters in Iraq in November 2006: 800 – 2,000

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