This weeks Boobies mark the 1,500th post on Pygalgia! While I realize that isn't all that many when compared to the better blogs, I'm quietly proud of our persistence. Thanks to all our readers; maybe we'll stick around a while longer.
There's a better word for what I am: an apatheist. It's a neologism that fuses "apathy" and "theism." It means someone who has absolutely no interest in the question of a god's (or gods') existence, and is just as uninterested in telling anyone else what to believe.
My blog is worth $30,485.16.
How much is your blog worth?
That may be the funniest looking expression I've ever seen on a boobie... thanks for the chuckle, and congrats on your milestone. It's looking like I'll hit the same one right about the end/beginning of the year.
Darn I've not even hit 1000. Oh well I am a man of limited words.
Those boobies look like they are doing the republican march. No that would be insulting the boobies. Don't want to do that.
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