The team from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo today won the first Shell Eco-marathon
Americas with a gasoline-fueled combustion engine vehicle that delivered 1,902.7
mpg.The Eco-marathon challenges student teams to design and build the most
fuel-efficient vehicles, which are tested in a mileage challenge. The Eco-marathon concept started as the Shell Mileage Marathon in 1939 after a friendly wager between employees of Shell Oil’s research laboratory in Wood River, Illinois, as to whose car could get the better fuel mileage. Shell has been running the current Eco-marathon for more than 20 years in the Europe and the UK, and brought a version of the event to the US for the first time this year.http://www.greencarcongress.com/2007/04/cal_poly_wins_f.html#more
Are you in SLO? My wife was born there and grew up in AG. We have family and business interests in South County still.
The mileage on that little jet is terrific, but fuel cost will be offset by the chiropractor bills! :)
Cal Poly may be the best school in the state. Not being the academic type, my closest association with it is that I rode a Cal Poly Penguins Motorcycle Club enduro once, a long time ago. Los Padres NF up close and personal.
Not in SLO (I assume you mean San Luis Obispo), but I did grow up in California. I'm now living in beautiful Flagstaff,AZ. Mostly, I was trying to post something positive amongst the world of bad news.
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