Because I don't have an email address for frequent commenter Whig.
There's a better word for what I am: an apatheist. It's a neologism that fuses "apathy" and "theism." It means someone who has absolutely no interest in the question of a god's (or gods') existence, and is just as uninterested in telling anyone else what to believe.
My blog is worth $30,485.16.
How much is your blog worth?
Cannabis treats Alzheimer's disease, did you know?
I'm not surprised. The potential for medical marijuana is huge, in a wide variety of ailments. However, it's not doing much for my bad knee today.
You ever try a topical application? Mix some cinnamon (cassia and cinnamon are slightly different, you can use a mixture of both) with about two-thirds that amount of myrrh, and half as much as that of cannabis in some olive oil. You could let this stand for awhile or use heat to speed up the process of allowing the essential oils to infuse.
If you do this, I hope you'll let people know how to make it.
Oh, by the way, since this is intended to penetrate through skin you should be careful of your ingredients. Use good herbs and good oil, ya know?
Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try. First I'll have to go to our local herbalist, as I don't have any myrrh on hand.
To make brownies, melt butter in a pot and put weed in it inside an old (or new, just make sure nobody's wearing them when you do this!) pantyhose. Leave it for a while 'til all the fat soluble goodness transfers to the butter. Then double the amount of butter called for in the recipe. No stems, no seeds, no grit in yer dessert. Have a happy.
Of course, rubbing brownies on your knee would probably be messy and not too effective.
It's for internal application to help make you feel better.
Gordon, if you want to try something really powerful, make sourdough starter with organic flour, distilled water, some honey and olive oil, a few raisins and some cannabis. The yeast that grows will get nicely stoned.
Please share the recipe with others if you make it.
Once you have some bubbles in your starter, you should begin adding some finely ground sea salt along with your ingredients when feeding it, and you can discontinue giving it raisins.
Whatever you put in your bread you are feeding to yourself, so be careful with your ingredients. Don't use metal utensils as they may harm the yeast and will likely stain as well.
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