One of my favorite musicians, Jerry Joseph (http://www.jerryjoseph.com/main.aspx), is playing in town tonight. Though Jerry isn't a big name in music, he is a big influence. He's written many songs for Widespread Panic (http://www.widespreadpanic.com/), and with Dave Schools formed the indie-rock monster that was Stockholm Syndrome. Jerry's own description of his style is good:
Jerry is a loud, in your face, highly literate, political songwriter. It's a thinking person's rock (some of his lyrics only make sense if you've read Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Tolstoy, Chomsky or Bukowsky), and definately unique. Video links at Jerry's site. Added: link to one:"It's very hard to be objective. The show's sound is an angry little bald
man screaming about whatever for two hours. I'm a little guy with a Napoleon
And if you like that, you can go here to download live shows (free and legal):
There are about 200 live recordings of Jerry with the Jackmormons and over 20 Stockholm Syndrome shows to choose from (the archive has over 43,000 shows by over 2,500 bands to choose from, so it's a wonderful place to browse for new music).
Dave Skools should be spelled "Schools"
Just FYI!
Corrected. Thanks.
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