Thursday, July 5, 2007

Things I learn by reading blogs

I had thought about writing a blog post about a question I had, but today I read the answer. Here's the story: There's a graffiti tag that's been showing up around town, especially in my neighborhood, that reads "D.C. 12/21/2012". I had no clue what it meant, but just explained it for me:

The Final Days (according the the Mayan calendar -- 12/21/2012)

This is a fascinating read that appeared in the July 1 issue of the NYTimes Magazine. It is written By BENJAMIN ANASTAS and provides an excellent insight into this ancient civilization and how the Maya looked into the stars and predicted catastrophic changes to the earth, all pegged to the end date of an historical cycle on one of their calendars, Dec. 21, 2012:

See what you can learn from blogs! Now I'll be looking for a graffiti artist with a Mayan calendar.


Anonymous said...

That is supposed to be the date that the solar system crosses the galactic ecliptic. Galactic equinox, or spring, in other words.

Anonymous said...

Mayan graffiti.

Anonymous said...

So how will WE write it? How shall it read when we look back on December 21, 2012? We certainly have the elements in place to destroy ourselves. The planet has experienced cataclysmic events in its history - polar shifts, ice ages, etc. No one really knows. What the Mayan’s meant with their End-Count calendar will always be up for speculation. It fires the imagination, for sure. SOooo let's write it like we want it. That is what Chris Fenwick did in the #1 Visionary Novel: "the 100th human." You choose...