Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Now They Tell Us

Lynne Cheney is on NPR, and she's explaining that the name is pronounced "Chee-nee", not "Chay-nee". I don't think it matters, but why was this kept a secret for so many years?
(BTW, I still pronounce it "Cray-zee").


Mauigirl said...

Did you see her on Jon Stewart the other night? Jon actually got her to come right out and say she's against the "defense of marriage" amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that W supports.

pygalgia said...

I didn't see it, but I'm not surprised. The inner circle has conflicts within conflicts, and the fact that their own families are human too makes them crazy.

Fran said...

Loathe them all! I loathe all "Chee - Nees!"

Suzy said...

I call them all ... oh, never mind. It wouldn't be Quakerly.